J&E Restoration, LLC

Jun 9, 2023

Whether dealing with a leaky pipe roof or a flooded basement, identifying the source and stopping any further water damage should be a top priority. That’s because water damage can adversely affect your home faster than you might think. In fact, within the first 24 hours of a leak or flood, mold can grow, damage walls, electrics, and floors, and even structural damage can occur. That’s why it’s paramount to quickly hire the best water damage restoration service near you for consultation, repair, and restoration. 

Call J & E Restoration Experts for the very best water damage repair and restoration services!

Key Takeaways:

  • Untreated water damage can cause severe health issues, including fungal spores, mold infestation, and bacterial growth.
  • Delaying the restoration of water damage effects can cause an extreme safety hazard- an electrical fire!
  • Bugs thrive in moist, warm indoor environments- so a water-damaged home is a natural oasis for pests!

What Is Water Damage?

Water damage refers to the deterioration or destruction of property and belongings caused by water intrusion. That can take different forms, including stained ceilings and walls, peeling paint, musty odors, and warped floors. Common areas to find water damage include basements, attics, kitchens, and bathrooms. It’s crucial to identify and treat water damage as soon as possible to prevent further damage and avoid potential health hazards.  

The Dangers of Untreated Water Damage

The impact of untreated water damage can be so devastating, so it’s crucial to treat the area as soon as possible. Here are some dangers of untreated water damage:

Property Structural Damage

Did you know that according to FEMA, 85% of flood victims experience significant damage to their properties’ interior and exterior? Moreover, untreated water damage can weaken your property’s structural integrity, resulting in roof leaks and sagging walls and floors. Your home’s foundation might also weaken due to aspects such as water penetration and the time the water is left unremoved. Keep in mind that water damage can lower your home’s value- the damage can be an eyesore; it’s hard to paint over, and an inspector will spot and document water damage if left untreated. 

Mold Growth

Water damage is notoriously known for causing mold growth, which has been associated with several cases of “sick building syndrome.” Even if the area has been cleared of visible water, the walls, floor, and floor coverings usually hold onto trapped moisture long after. In such instances, mold can take hold and spread quickly, growing on wood, ceiling tiles, and paper products. Unfortunately, exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions, nose, eyes, and throat irritations, and sinus congestion. And if you’re sensitive to mold, you might experience a more severe reaction, including shortness of breath and fever. 

Health Risk

Dealing with contaminated water damage poses severe health risks. For instance, exposure to dirty water can cause you to develop illnesses, such as dysentery or typhoid, or brain, lung, and kidney illness. Contaminated water can also cause issues with your immune system, which is vital for fighting off infections. Moreover, if your drinking water sources get contaminated, you’re exposed to various health concerns, including diarrhea, cholera, vomiting, and scarlet fever. Contaminated water can also cause leptospirosis- a nasty bacteria that cause acute inflammation, jaundice, fever, and breathing troubles if left untreated.

Electrical Hazards

If your outlets, electrical wiring or fuse boxes get exposed to water, they can pose a severe risk to your safety, that of your family and your home. Instead of dealing with just water damage, you could end up with a dangerous fire on your hands. You should always enlist a professional to examine your electrical components touching any water. Also, don’t use your power lights or outlets until a pro gets to your home. 

Pest Infestation

Water damage can attract pests such as silverfish, cockroaches, carpenter ants, and beetles who prefer moist environments. Other pests that prefer most homes include moths, earwigs, and drain flies. And even if you may not see them, bugs and insects can enter through the crevices and crack in windows broken by water damage. Rodents might also invade your house in search of water. One warning sign of pest infestation is wet insulation or carpeting- you may also hear scratching sounds coming from inside the walls. 

It Can be Costly

Besides being harmful to your health and home, untreated water damage is likely to be detrimental to your wallet. The rule of thumb is that the amount of money you’ll spend on fixing water damage is directly linked to the total amount of time that lapses between when the damage occurs and when it’s treated. If you have water damage or suspect leakage issues, contact J & E Restorations today. We are water damage restoration pros, prepared to clean up your water emergencies and damage safely!

Seek Help When There’s Water Damage in Your Home!

A small, slow leak or a sudden, significant leak can cause extensive damage to your house and belongings and pose serious health risks if left untreated. The ideal way to clean water damage is to seek help from water damage restoration professionals. Our experts at J & E Restorations have the skills and knowledge to remove water and affected materials by following a safe and thorough process that eliminates contaminants. Besides, we pride ourselves on using up-to-date restoration equipment and techniques to ensure the water has been removed, and we’ve put measures to prevent any further water damage issues. Call us today for all your water damage restoration needs!