J&E Restoration, LLC

Whether dealing with a leaky pipe roof or a flooded basement, identifying the source and stopping any further water damage should be a top priority. That’s because water damage can adversely affect your home faster than you might think. In fact, within the first 24 hours of a leak or flood, mold can grow, damage walls, electrics, and floors, and even structural damage can occur. That’s why it’s paramount to quickly hire the best water damage restoration service near you for consultation, repair, and restoration. 

Call J & E Restoration Experts for the very best water damage repair and restoration services!

Key Takeaways:

  • Untreated water damage can cause severe health issues, including fungal spores, mold infestation, and bacterial growth.
  • Delaying the restoration of water damage effects can cause an extreme safety hazard- an electrical fire!
  • Bugs thrive in moist, warm indoor environments- so a water-damaged home is a natural oasis for pests!

What Is Water Damage?

Water damage refers to the deterioration or destruction of property and belongings caused by water intrusion. That can take different forms, including stained ceilings and walls, peeling paint, musty odors, and warped floors. Common areas to find water damage include basements, attics, kitchens, and bathrooms. It’s crucial to identify and treat water damage as soon as possible to prevent further damage and avoid potential health hazards.  

The Dangers of Untreated Water Damage

The impact of untreated water damage can be so devastating, so it’s crucial to treat the area as soon as possible. Here are some dangers of untreated water damage:

Property Structural Damage

Did you know that according to FEMA, 85% of flood victims experience significant damage to their properties’ interior and exterior? Moreover, untreated water damage can weaken your property’s structural integrity, resulting in roof leaks and sagging walls and floors. Your home’s foundation might also weaken due to aspects such as water penetration and the time the water is left unremoved. Keep in mind that water damage can lower your home’s value- the damage can be an eyesore; it’s hard to paint over, and an inspector will spot and document water damage if left untreated. 

Mold Growth

Water damage is notoriously known for causing mold growth, which has been associated with several cases of “sick building syndrome.” Even if the area has been cleared of visible water, the walls, floor, and floor coverings usually hold onto trapped moisture long after. In such instances, mold can take hold and spread quickly, growing on wood, ceiling tiles, and paper products. Unfortunately, exposure to mold can cause allergic reactions, nose, eyes, and throat irritations, and sinus congestion. And if you’re sensitive to mold, you might experience a more severe reaction, including shortness of breath and fever. 

Health Risk

Dealing with contaminated water damage poses severe health risks. For instance, exposure to dirty water can cause you to develop illnesses, such as dysentery or typhoid, or brain, lung, and kidney illness. Contaminated water can also cause issues with your immune system, which is vital for fighting off infections. Moreover, if your drinking water sources get contaminated, you’re exposed to various health concerns, including diarrhea, cholera, vomiting, and scarlet fever. Contaminated water can also cause leptospirosis- a nasty bacteria that cause acute inflammation, jaundice, fever, and breathing troubles if left untreated.

Electrical Hazards

If your outlets, electrical wiring or fuse boxes get exposed to water, they can pose a severe risk to your safety, that of your family and your home. Instead of dealing with just water damage, you could end up with a dangerous fire on your hands. You should always enlist a professional to examine your electrical components touching any water. Also, don’t use your power lights or outlets until a pro gets to your home. 

Pest Infestation

Water damage can attract pests such as silverfish, cockroaches, carpenter ants, and beetles who prefer moist environments. Other pests that prefer most homes include moths, earwigs, and drain flies. And even if you may not see them, bugs and insects can enter through the crevices and crack in windows broken by water damage. Rodents might also invade your house in search of water. One warning sign of pest infestation is wet insulation or carpeting- you may also hear scratching sounds coming from inside the walls. 

It Can be Costly

Besides being harmful to your health and home, untreated water damage is likely to be detrimental to your wallet. The rule of thumb is that the amount of money you’ll spend on fixing water damage is directly linked to the total amount of time that lapses between when the damage occurs and when it’s treated. If you have water damage or suspect leakage issues, contact J & E Restorations today. We are water damage restoration pros, prepared to clean up your water emergencies and damage safely!

Seek Help When There’s Water Damage in Your Home!

A small, slow leak or a sudden, significant leak can cause extensive damage to your house and belongings and pose serious health risks if left untreated. The ideal way to clean water damage is to seek help from water damage restoration professionals. Our experts at J & E Restorations have the skills and knowledge to remove water and affected materials by following a safe and thorough process that eliminates contaminants. Besides, we pride ourselves on using up-to-date restoration equipment and techniques to ensure the water has been removed, and we’ve put measures to prevent any further water damage issues. Call us today for all your water damage restoration needs!

Aahh, water! With all its innumerable life-giving benefits, water can be destructive if it invades your home uncontrollably. In fact, water damage can be one of the costliest and most devastating disasters your house can experience. The good news is that regular inspections and preventive measures can protect your house and save you money on potential repairs. Moreover, if you notice signs of water damage, take action immediately to mitigate the risk- call our restoration experts at J & E Restorations!

Key Takeaways:

  • Water damage in your home can be a costly and preventable issue for many homeowners. 
  • Protecting your house from water damage is an essential step in maintaining your home’s value and ensuring your loved ones’ safety. 
  • Signs of water damage can range from a puddle on the floor to mold and mysterious musty odors. 

What Causes Water Damage?

Water damage refers to all possible damages caused by water. That can include flooding, steel and wood materials rusting, and mold growth. The damage can be catastrophic and sudden or slow and unnoticeable. Typically, the causes of water damage can include:

Faulty Appliances

Broken or faulty appliances, such as dishwashers, heaters, and washing machines, can burst and flood rooms if not well-maintained. So, ensure you keep an eye on the appliances and have them checked if they start malfunctioning.

Clogged Gutters

Your gutter system prevents water damage by diverting rainwater from your house. But when gutters become compromised or blocked, rainwater won’t be able to flow properly away and can result in edge overflows. As a result, water can run down the side of your home, causing water damage on floors, walls, and ceilings.


Leaks are a common cause of water damage. For instance, leaky pipes can cause significant issues if left untreated. Moreover, if you have a leaky roof, water can seep into the roof structures, down into your insulation, and then into the ceiling. Plumbing pipes are also known to get damaged for various reasons, leaking water through structural elements and causing damage. 

Severe Weather

Hurricanes, hailstorms, floods, thunderstorms, and other natural disasters can cause all kinds of damage to your home. For example, strong winds and heavy downpours can damage your roof, causing water to fall right into your house. 

What are the Signs of Water Damage?

Signs of water damage aren’t always obvious. Nonetheless, here are a few signs that you have water damage:

Sagging Walls and Ceilings

A severe leak can soak parts of a wall or ceiling with so much water that the extra weight causes the surface to sag or bulge. Typically, the leak will affect a small area, but the damage will grow if neglected.

Funky Odor

Damping building material and standing water are rich breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, and rot. While you may not see these issues, you’ll notice a musty, earthy smell similar to damp leaves in the fall. And if a sewage pipe is leaking, you’ll smell sewage. 

Visible Mold Growth

Mold thrives in damp conditions. As such, if you find it growing, it means there’s excess moisture in your home. Household mold often takes the form of flat botches of gray, black, orange, green, or brown, but a variety of colors and textures are possible. 

What Should You Do If You Notice Water Damage?

If you experience water damage, taking immediate action is crucial to prevent further damage and minimize health risks. First, you should turn off the electricity and gas supply if you can; next, contact your insurance provider to report the damage and file a claim. Then, hire our professional water damage restoration company to assess the damage and restore your house.

Water damage restoration entails a comprehensive process to remove water, dry the area, and restore your home to its pre-damaged state. Here are the steps our restoration experts follow to restore your home:

  • Assessment: Your professional restoration pros will assess the extent and severity of water damage and develop a restoration strategy.
  • Water Removal: Using specialized up-to-date equipment, the restoration team will remove any standing water and excess moisture from your house.
  • Drying: Our restoration team will use dehumidifiers, fans, and other equipment to dry out the affected areas and prevent mildew or mold growth.
  • Cleaning and Sanitizing: We’ll clean and sanitize your house to prevent mold growth and eliminate any harmful contaminants.
  • Restoration: We’ll repair or replace damaged materials, including flooring or drywall, and restore your house to its pre-damage condition. 

Ways to Avoid Water Damage

Many people feel regret for not having done something to prevent water damage from occurring. Don’t wait for the water to damage your home, so ensure you’re well prepared to keep water damage at bay. Here are a few ways to avoid water damage:

Don’t let water get in your basement: If you ever dealt with basement water, you most likely didn’t see it coming. There are several ways your home basement can flood, so ensure you take a few precautions. For instance, install a sump pump, check for shifts in the soil around your home, and frequently check for cracks in the foundation. 

Prevent sewage spills: You should prevent the smelly catastrophe from happening in your home. Practice proper waste disposal and don’t allow trees to grow near the sewage pipes. Moreover, work with your local government to keep the sewage lines defect-free. 

Facing Water Damage in Your Home? Consult Us!

Water damage can be devastating, and no one wants to have to deal with it in their houses. Water damage can harm your possessions and your home, Whether due to a leak, humidity, or an outright flood. At J & E Restoration, we strive to help you in all home maintenance and restoration areas. If you’ve noticed any sign of water damage in your home, consult our restoration experts. We have the skills, expertise, and up-to-date equipment to help restore your home and help prevent any future water damage to your home! Call us today for all your restoration needs!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Home rebuilding projects can be daunting, but with careful planning and budgeting, it is possible to rebuild without breaking the bank.
  2. J & E Restoration Pros advise budgeting for a home rebuild without splurging.
  3. Reasons why home renovation projects often go over budget include choosing more expensive items and products.
  4. In addition, not accounting for hidden costs, failing to do enough research or get written estimates, not having a contingency fund, or hiring the wrong service provider are a few reasons for over budget.
  5. Tips on saving money while still achieving quality results include researching the market before buying materials/hiring contractors, and reusing existing materials where possible.
  6. Setting a clear budget, negotiating lower prices when applicable, and salvaging materials are also necessary.

At some point, all homeowners have to deal with home rebuilding. Whether due to damage from natural disasters like fire, flood, or storm or simply remodeling and updating the space, rebuilding your home can be daunting.

Experts state that the average cost of a home renovation is around $40,000-$300,000. That is a lot for an average income-earning homeowner to spend. Rebuilding projects can seem challenging, and making the wrong move could burn a hole in your pocket. However, with careful planning and budgeting, you can rebuild your home without breaking the bank.

J & E Restoration Pros will show you how to budget for a home rebuild without splurging. We’ll talk about why home renovation projects often go over budget. Next, we’ll follow up with how to budget for home rebuilding projects. We’ll also share tips on how to save money without sacrificing quality. Following our advice, you’ll be able to rebuild your home on a budget and create the space of your dreams without overspending.

Reasons for Home Renovations Go Over Budget?

A survey was taken from 1200,000 homeowners that focused on home renovation. The survey found that most homeowners went over budget. Why did that happen? Well, let’s take a look at some potential reasons for home renovation costing extra than perceived:

1. Choosing More Expensive Items and Products

The survey revealed that nearly 45% of respondents opted for costlier products, resulting in overbudgeting. Most homeowners believe what they pay is what they get. So, when renovating their home, they opt for more expensive materials and items.

2. Not Accounting for Hidden Costs

Many people don’t consider hidden costs such as taxes and delivery fees when budgeting for home renovation. Shady renovation contractors may also add unexpected expenses for their services. It can add up quickly and cause the final bill to be much higher than expected.

3. Not Doing Enough Research

When renovating your home, you must do enough research before making any commitments. However, some homeowners make the mistake of taking on home rebuilding projects without accounting for the required research time resulting in unexpected costs.

4. Not Getting Written Estimates

Before signing contracts, get written estimates from multiple contractors and compare them. It’s also essential to ensure that the calculations include all costs associated with the job. Without comparing prices, you might pay more for the same job than you should.

5. Not Having a Contingency Fund

No matter how well-planned your home rebuilding project is, unexpected expenses are bound to arise. To avoid getting caught off guard financially, budget for a contingency fund with 10-15% of the project’s total cost and set it aside in case of any surprises.

6. Hiring the Wrong Service Provider

Hiring a cheaper service provider is common if you are hoping to save money. But this strategy often backfires when you end up with shoddy workmanship and have to pay for repairs sooner than expected. Invest in quality services to ensure that your home rebuild is done correctly.

Budgeting For Home Rebuilding Project

1. Calculate the Costs

Start by calculating the total cost of your project, including labor, materials, and other fees like permit applications or professional advice. It will give you a comprehensive view of what you need to spend on each rebuild aspect.

2. Prioritize Your Spending

Decide which aspects of the rebuild project are the most important to you and focus your spending on those areas. For example, if you have an outdoor entertainment area that needs a new deck, set aside more of your budget for this element than others.

3. Budget for Contingencies

Round up your estimates and add extra costs for contingencies. Doing this will save you from going over budget if unexpected expenses arise.

4. Borrow Wisely

If you need extra funds, consider borrowing from lenders rather than relying on contractors or materials suppliers to finance the rebuild project. Make sure you compare different lending options and read the fine print to ensure the loan doesn’t become a burden with high-interest rates or hidden fees.

5. Seek Bargains and Discounts

The internet is a fantastic resource for deals and discounts that can help bring down the cost of your materials, supplies, and tools without compromising on quality. Ask renovation contractors if they have connections to suppliers who offer discounts or check out the local hardware stores for their promotional items.

6. Consider Doing Some of the Work Yourself

Unless you’re a professional contractor, you should leave most of the work to the professionals. However, suppose you have handyman skills and a good understanding of building codes. In that case, you can save money by doing some of the more manageable tasks yourself. But take caution and only work on minor tasks that don’t require much expertise. Otherwise, let the pros handle it.


Tips for Saving Money without Sacrificing Quality

1. Research the Market

Before you hire a contractor or buy materials, research your options and compare prices. Make sure to get quotes from several companies before making a decision. By doing your homework, you can find the best deal without sacrificing the quality of service.

2. Reuse What You Can

Whenever possible, try to reuse existing materials. It could be as simple as re-tiling the bathroom or repainting an old kitchen cabinet. You can also find second-hand materials, such as furniture and appliances, which can save you considerable money. But be sure to check the quality as well since second-hand materials may not be as good as new ones.

3. Set a Clear Budget

Before you start your rebuilding project, it’s essential to set a clear budget and stick to it. Decide how much money you are willing to spend, and then make sure you stay within that.

4. Negotiate a Lower Price

You should negotiate to bring down the cost of your materials. However, if it impacts material quality or adds additional risks, it is essential to consider whether that is worth the savings.

Related: 8 Warning Signs That Your Home Needs To Be Rebuilt!


It is possible to budget for a home rebuild project without overspending. By planning, setting a realistic budget, and researching materials, you can save money while still achieving the look of your dreams. Additionally, negotiating for lower prices, hiring an experienced contractor, and salvaging materials are all helpful tips for keeping costs down.

Hire Professional Renovation Contractors in Norcross, GA

J & E Restoration Pros are here to help you with your rebuilding project. Our team of professionals will help you develop a realistic budget, source quality materials, and provide services at competitive prices. We are dedicated to providing quality remodeling solutions tailored to our client’s unique needs. So get in touch, and request a claim if applicable.

Did you know that out of the 21 million people reported to have asthma, about 4 million cases are attributed to mold exposure? More surprisingly, over 90% of chronic sinus illnesses are also attributed to mold. Besides the health risks, mold can leave devastating damages, including structural and foundation damages, on your property. It can spread incredibly fast in the presence of warmth and moisture and can set colonies in your house before you know it. The worst part is that getting rid of mold is really challenging. And doing it yourself is never a good idea since you risk inhaling it and unsettling the spores. That’s where mold remediation professionals come in! Keep reading to learn why you need professionals for mold remediation. 

Key Takeaways

  • Over 4 million asthma cases are attributed to mold exposure!
  • Removing mold can potentially cause health issues for you and other inhabitants.
  • Professionals have the right equipment and skills to remove mold and prevent it from spreading and regrowing.
  • By enlisting mold remediation pros, you’ll save time and money since they have the skills to remediate mold swiftly. 

Signs You Have Mold in Your Home

First things first- how do you know you have mold in your home? Beyond appearance, here are some signs that you could be dealing with mold in your house:

Odor: Not all mold gives off a pungent or musty odor, but most do. The first sign that you need mold remediation is a smell that comes and goes. Mold thrives in humid, dark spaces, like basements, attics, bathrooms, and under the sink. Check these areas, and if you catch a whiff of something unpleasant or musty, consult mold remediation professionals. 

Change in Color: Similar to when you find a loaf of green bread in the back of the pantry, mold in your house will show up in different colors, including white, black, or pastel. Any time you notice a change in color on a surface, such as walls or cabinets, do a mold check. 

Water Leak or Flooding: Anytime you locate a water leak or your home floods, it’s wise to check for mold in affected spaces. While the presence of water doesn’t necessarily mean there’s mold, since the spores are so tiny, it’s difficult to tell if mold is growing with the naked eye. Note that area rugs and carpeting, which hold on dirt and dust, can be breeding grounds for mold if they get wet. 

Why You Need a Professional for Mold Remediation

If you notice mold in your home, it’s in your best interest to call a professional to remove and remediate it. Here’s why:

  • Lower Potential Spread and Regrowth

During mold cleanup, the mold spores will typically spread in the air and potentially through the entire house. Cleaning up is particularly a sensitive process because if it’s not done correctly, most of the mold will settle somewhere else and start regrowing. In fact, you’ll find that many DIY cleanups contribute to the spread of mold, and can even make it a larger issue.

Note that even when you’ve successfully killed the spores, they’ll cause issues if they’re left behind. For instance, the spread can be rampant if they get into the HVAC system. That’s because the moisture and air from the AC unit and the warmth from the heating unit will contribute to continuous growth. The dust from the HVAC will act as food for mold, and it can only go south from there. 

The good news is that when professionals do the cleaning and mold removal process, they have the skills to contain the spread and completely get rid of all spores. Given they’ll investigate all areas that may have mold, they’ll advise you on further duct cleaning and give you future prevention tips. 

  • Mold Remediation Requires the Right Equipment and Expertise

Mold removal and remediation aren’t routine cleanings. Popularized mold remediation DIYs have made the process seem like a walkover, but getting rid of molds within any home is no child’s play. Mold removal and remediation require expertise and the use of advanced equipment and techniques. 

Before starting the remediation process, professionals will put in place measures to prevent the spread of mold spores to unaffected areas. And with the right personal protective equipment (PPE), the pros can prevent contact with spores that may cause allergies. Note that removing mold without proper equipment and expertise might result in more contamination and end up causing bad air quality in your home.  

  • Save Time and Money

The thought of removing the mold yourself may have crossed your mind. But molds are hard to remove and can be dangerous if not done properly. A mold remediation professional’s greatest advantage is that they have the necessary equipment, tools, and skills to detect and remove mold effectively. As such, their equipment will reach places you’d not be able to, including crawlspaces, and they’ll do the work as swiftly as possible. Besides, mold remediation professionals will ensure mold issues affecting your home and infecting your family’s air quality are completely eradicated. Hence, you’ll save money -health-related and structural repair costs- since the spores won’t regrow or spread. 

Find the Best Professional for Mold Remediation

When it comes to something as dangerous as mold, doing it yourself is never recommended. You expose yourself to health risks and regrowth is always a possibility. So, the best course of action is to hire mold remediation professionals for expert assistance. For that reason, if you have been smelling musty odors in your house and suspect you have mold or you have visible mold, reach out to our experts. Our mold remediation professionals are highly trained and vastly experienced and will come to your home and effectively and efficiently remediate the process. Call us now!


  1. Mold spores can be present in any home, causing health issues and even neurological disorders if left untreated.
  2. Common toxic molds include Stachybotrys (black mold), Aspergillus, Fusarium, Cladosporium, Alternaria, and Chaetomium.
  3. Homeowners should immediately contact a mold remediation company to detect and remove hazardous molds from the environment.
  4. Preventing future toxic mold infestations requires keeping humidity levels low, ventilating damp spots, and regularly using specialized products to clean affected areas.
  5. J&E Restoration Pros offers advanced solutions for detecting, containing, and preventing further growth of dangerous molds in living spaces – start your claim today!

A home – the divine beauty of domesticity – its soothing mantras, chosen comforts, and cherished spaces. It can provide much-deserved peace and joy by providing a haven from everyday troubles and tribulations. However, not all home life is as idyllic or secure as one might imagine. Lurking beneath the layers of fabric, tile, flooring, and paint lives a dangerous foe that has been wreaking havoc on well-being since time immemorial and that which calls for: Mold restoration.

From mild to downright disastrous cases, mold spores are seemingly everywhere in our homes. They hide inside cupboards and armoires, between walls and concealed nooks alike – just waiting for an opportunity to strike when we least expect it!

But how can homeowners determine if their home harbors mold in these dark places? Follow J & E Restoration Pros tips to learn more about detecting molds within your living space!

Are All Molds Toxic?

It is absolutely essential to be aware of the potential health risks posed by specific toxic mold or fungi species, which can grow inside homes with wet surfaces and water damage. To ensure your safety & that of your family, it’s important to recognize the most common types of hazardous molds in living spaces. Here are a few tips on identifying these spores and what to do if they exist within your home.

1. Stachybotrys (Or Black Mold):

One of the most notorious molds is characterized by its dark green or black appearance. Stachybotrys releases toxins that can cause respiratory and other health issues such as headaches, skin irritation, asthma attacks, and fever. You should contact mold remediation professionals immediately if you spot this hazardous mold in your living space.

2. Aspergillus:

Aspergillus mold is often found on decaying organic matter due to its need for high moisture levels. This mold can cause infections in people with weak immune systems or those with lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. If left untreated, this mold could be very dangerous to your health.

3. Fusarium:

Fusarium mold thrives on wet organic matter and can cause serious health issues if inhaled. Furthermore, it produces mycotoxins that can be detected in food and beverages. It’s important to get rid of this mold as soon as you notice it before it contaminates anything else in your home.

4. Cladosporium:

Cladosporium mold is a common outdoor mold. It can also enter your house through open doors or windows, creating an indoor air quality problem. Mold triggers allergies and asthma attacks, so remove any traces from your living environment as quickly as possible.

5. Alternaria:

This mold often grows on fabrics like carpets, furniture, and curtains, but it can also grow on walls and other surfaces. It is known to cause asthma and may even lead to more serious respiratory diseases if left untreated for too long.

6. Stachybotrys Chartarum:

This mold is one of the most dangerous, as its spores are highly toxic when inhaled by humans. Not only can it trigger severe allergies, but it can also damage the nervous system, leading to neurological disorders like depression or impaired cognitive function. Contact a mold restoration company immediately if you notice any suspicious mold in your home.

7. Chaetomium:

Chaetomium is an all-too-common household mold that loves wet and dark areas like drywall, wallpaper, baseboards, and carpets. It’s very similar to black mold in that they share many of the same habitats—most notably homes with water damage.

In addition to the common red, watery eyes and difficulty breathing indicative of allergies, Chaetomium spores may also cause neurological harm and particular autoimmune diseases.

Related: Avoiding A Disaster – Preventing Mold After Water Damage


What to Do If You Suspect Your Abode Has Toxic Mold

If mold is present—particularly the more toxic varieties—it’s important to immediately call a mold restoration company. They will identify the mold, remove it safely, and remediate your home to restore it to its former glory. Don’t wait until the mold has taken over your abode; take action now!

Mold can be dangerous and even deadly if left unchecked and untreated. With the help of a mold restoration company, you can rest assured that your family and home are safe from any further harm caused by mold. So, check regularly for mold to prevent disaster before it strikes!

Home Remedies for Preventing Toxic Mold

Mold can be avoided or at least minimized if you take proper precautions. Below, we’ve got a few home remedies that can help keep mold away:

  • Keep the humidity levels in your dwelling low. Mold thrives in wet & humid environments, so use a dehumidifier.
  • Ventilate your home regularly to reduce moisture buildup, especially in bathrooms and kitchens where mold is most likely to grow.
  • Avoid leaving damp items around for long periods, such as wet towels or sponges.
  • Clean up any spills immediately and dry surfaces thoroughly after they have been exposed to water.
  • Regularly clean moldy areas with mold removal products. Doing so can help prevent mold from growing and spreading.

Unfortunately, mold is an ever-evolving menace that requires constant vigilance. As such, it’s important to know the most dangerous mold types and where they will likely be found in your home. The good news is mold restoration is possible if you promptly take the right steps.

Take The Right Step – Call J&E Restoration Pros Today!

At J & E Restoration Pros, we specialize in mold remediation in Lawrenceville. We understand how hazardous and devastating mold can be to your home or business, so we strive to remove it quickly before any irreparable damage occurs. Rest assured that our team will utilize only the most efficient and effective removal methods available – meaning you won’t pay for anything unnecessary!

Our staff is highly proficient in detecting, containing, and preventing mold from occurring again. Thanks to our advanced mold restoration solutions, you’ll breathe clean air soon!

Start your claim today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mold can appear in various colors, including black and brown, and can be found on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors.
  • A musty smell is a common sign indicating that mold is present in your home.
  • Health symptoms, such as respiratory problems, allergies, and asthma, can be signs.
  • To prevent residential mold, control moisture and humidity levels in your home.
  • If your asthma symptoms are getting worse, mold could be the cause.
  • Contaminated carpets can be a sign of mold and can be a breeding ground for mold growth.
  • If your seasonal allergies are not going away as they usually do, mold could be to blame.
  • Strange smells coming from AC vents can be a sign of mold growing inside the vents.

Mold is a severe problem affecting your home, health, and quality of life. Be aware of the signs of residential mold so that you can take precautions to prevent it from spreading and causing further damage. This blog post will discuss numerous signs of residential mold that you should not dismiss, including visual indicators, musty odors, and health symptoms. We will also discuss what you can do to prevent and address mold growth in your home.

Visible Growth

One of the most apparent signs of residential mold is visible growth. Mold can appear in various colors, including black and brown, and can be found on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors. If you notice any unusual or unexplained discoloration or staining on your walls, ceilings, or floors, it is essential to investigate further to determine whether mold is present.

Musty Odor

Musty odors are a common sign of residential mold and can indicate mold in your home. Mold has a distinctive, musty smell that is often described as similar to damp, stale, or rotten odors. If you notice a musty smell, investigate further to determine the source of the odor.

Various sources, including mold, mildew, and bacteria, can cause musty odors. However, mold is one of the most common causes of musty odors in the home and can be found in various locations, including behind walls, under carpets, and in crawl spaces. If you notice a musty smell but can’t determine the cause, it is worth considering the possibility that mold could be to blame.

Musty odors can be particularly problematic because they can be challenging to eliminate. Simply masking the smell with air fresheners or other fragrances will not solve the problem, and the musty smell will often return once the scent has faded. To eliminate musty odors caused by mold, identify and address the source of the mold growth. This may involve removing and replacing affected materials, such as wallpaper or carpets, and cleaning and disinfecting the area to prevent the mold from returning.

Your Asthma is Getting Worse

If someone in your family has asthma, and you notice that their symptoms are getting worse, it might be due to mold. Mold can cause various respiratory problems, including asthma, and mold exposure can trigger asthma attacks and worsen asthma symptoms.

It’s a chronic respiratory disease characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. When someone with asthma is exposed to irritants or triggers, such as mold, their airways become even more narrow, making breathing difficult. Asthma attacks can be triggered by various factors, including allergens, pollutants, and irritants, and mold is a common trigger of asthma attacks.

Common asthma symptoms that may be exacerbated by mold exposure include shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. If you witness any of these symptoms and cannot determine the cause, it is worth considering the possibility that mold could be to blame.

Contaminated Carpets

Dirty carpets signify residential mold, as mold can grow on various surfaces. Carpets can trap moisture, dirt, and other debris, providing a perfect breeding ground for mold.

If you notice that your carpets are contaminated with mold, take action to address the problem promptly. Mold can cause health problems, including respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma, and can also cause structural damage to your home.

Keep your home as dry as possible to prevent mold from growing on your carpets. It means promptly fixing any leaks or plumbing problems, using exhaust fans in high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and kitchens, and using a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels below 50%. Also, clean and vacuum your carpets to remove dirt and debris that could contribute to mold growth.

Your Seasonal Allergies are Not Going Away

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and notice that your symptoms are not going away as they usually do, residential mold could be to blame. Mold can cause many allergy symptoms, including sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, and congestion. If you are experiencing allergy symptoms that do not go away or seem to be worsening, it is worth considering the possibility that mold could be the cause.

To determine whether mold is causing your allergy symptoms, pay attention to the timing and location of your symptoms. If you notice that your symptoms are worse at home and improve when you are away from home, mold in your home may be the cause.

Your AC Vents Smell Weird

If you notice that your AC vents smell weird, mold could be the cause. Mold can grow in various locations, including inside AC vents, and can cause a range of odors, including musty, damp, and rotten odors. If you notice a strange smell coming from your AC vents, investigate further to find the source of the odor.

One of the reasons that AC vents are prone to mold growth is that they provide a source of moisture and warmth, which are both essential for mold to grow. In addition, AC vents can accumulate dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can contribute to mold growth.

Mold Prevention is Necessary

To prevent residential mold, control moisture and humidity levels in your home. Mold needs moisture to grow, so it is essential to keep your home as dry as possible. It means fixing leaks or plumbing problems as soon as possible, using exhaust fans in high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and kitchens, and using a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels down.

If you find mold in your home, it is crucial to address the problem immediately to prevent it from spreading. Small areas of mold can often be cleaned with a mixture of water and household detergent. Hiring a professional mold remediation company may be necessary for larger areas or more severe mold cases.



Be aware of the signs of residential mold and take action to prevent and address it as necessary. By paying attention to visual indicators, musty odors, and health symptoms, and by controlling moisture and humidity levels in your home, you can protect your home and your health from the damaging effects of mold.

Check out our blog post about Mold Odor Removal – Essential Information You Need to Know.

J & E Restoration Pros, serving Buford, is ideal for mold restoration services. With our knowledgeable professionals, state-of-the-art equipment, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we can provide top-quality services.

Start a new claim today!

Key Takeaways:

  • An eco-friendly restoration project can result in significant cost savings.
  • By using sustainable construction materials, you will be able to meet the expectations of eco-conscious consumers.
  • Additionally, eco-friendly methods often require less energy consumption than traditional restoration methods.
  • Tax incentives for businesses that use eco-friendly restoration materials can make restoration projects much more affordable.
  • A professional restoration contractor can ensure that all safety protocols are followed, and natural resources are conserved during an eco-friendly restoration project.

When restoring your property, the environmental impact should be just as significant of consideration as quality and cost. With eco-friendly restoration techniques, you can experience all the benefits of traditional methods without any adverse environmental effects.

It’s also recommended that you consult with a restoration contractor to ensure that your eco-restoration project meets environmental sustainability standards.

From reduced costs to improved air filtration, let’s discuss why using eco-friendly practices for home or business projects is becoming an increasingly popular choice among savvy property owners.

Benefits Of Eco-Friendly Restoration Techniques


An eco-friendly restoration project can result in significant cost savings. Eco-friendly restoration techniques reduce the energy and resources required for a restoration project, saving you money on materials. It can be beneficial if you’re working with a tight budget or trying to keep your restoration projects within a specific budget.

Natural Resource Conversion

By using eco-friendly restoration techniques, you’ll be doing your part to help conserve natural resources. Eco-friendly practices involve utilizing alternative building materials. These include materials such as recycled wood or brick, which can significantly reduce the need for new materials for a restoration project.

Additionally, eco-friendly methods often require less energy consumption than traditional restoration methods. This results in fewer emissions and carbon footprints left behind by your restoration process. It also means that you can positively impact the environment while still completing your restoration project.

Eco-Consumer Demands

As more and more consumers become conscious of their environmental impact, eco-friendly restoration techniques are becoming increasingly popular in any eco-restoration project.

By using sustainable construction materials, such as those made from recycled materials, you will be able to meet the expectations of eco-conscious consumers and help reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.

Not only will this benefit the environment, but it will also boost your reputation with potential customers looking for an environmentally conscious business.

Increased Profitability

Another benefit of eco-friendly restoration techniques for business owners is that the materials are usually more cost-effective than traditional restoration options.

There are also tax incentives for businesses that use eco-friendly restoration materials, which can make restoration projects much more affordable.

Additionally, because these materials generally require less maintenance and have a longer life span than traditional restoration materials, they often result in higher profitability over time.

A reputable restoration contractor will be able to source materials from local suppliers. This further helps reduce expenses associated with transportation and ensures that your restoration project is completed on time and within budget.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Using eco-friendly restoration techniques can also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, an often-overlooked benefit. Greenhouse gases are emitted when traditional restoration projects use chemical cleaners and other equipment that may harm the environment. By investing in eco-friendly restoration techniques, you’ll be able to reduce your carbon footprint simultaneously.

Utility Costs

Eco-friendly restoration techniques can help save money on utility costs. Traditional restoration methods may require energy and water consumption, which could add up over time. You can reduce these costs by using eco-friendly restoration techniques while still getting the same high-quality restoration results.

Runoff Minimization

One of the most critical aspects of eco-friendly restoration techniques is runoff minimization. It helps to ensure that no pollutants or hazardous chemicals enter natural water sources, as these contaminants can be very harmful to fish and other aquatic inhabitants. By utilizing eco-friendly restoration techniques, you can help protect our natural resources and prevent any potential damage from occurring.

Things To Consider When Starting an Eco-Friendly Restoration Project

Budgetary Concerns

Regarding restoration projects, the cost of materials and labor can add up quickly. Using eco-friendly restoration methods saves you money on your restoration project and energy bills in the long run due to improved insulation provided by eco-friendly materials. Additionally, many natural resources are renewable and can be used repeatedly—reducing waste and delivering cost savings.

Consumer Demand & Loyalty

Consumers today have an increased desire for more sustainable products and services. By investing in eco-restoration techniques, businesses appeal to environmentally conscious consumers loyal to companies that take sustainability seriously. Eco-friendly restoration projects convey that your business is committed to protecting the environment.

Time Of Completion

Time is of the essence in restoration projects, and eco-friendly restoration techniques can help ensure completion on time. It is essential to select an experienced restoration contractor who has worked on eco-friendly restoration projects. They will have the knowledge and expertise necessary to complete the project efficiently and effectively. This prevents delays that could otherwise cost time and money.

The Scale of The Business

Eco restoration provides long-term cost savings and can be used to scale up a business. By taking on larger restoration projects, companies can increase their profitability with eco-restoration methods and provide added value to consumers.

Here’s some more information about having your property restored after water damage.


Why Choose a Professional Restoration Contractor?

Professional contractors have the expertise to ensure that restoration projects are completed on time and at an acceptable quality level. It can help avoid delays and additional expenses, such as utility costs.

They may use eco-friendly techniques, such as natural resource conversion, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.

Hiring a reputable restoration contractor ensures that projects are completed with safety precautions and high-quality standards. This provides peace of mind for businesses that their investment is secure.

It’s also beneficial for any business looking to complete an eco-friendly restoration project safely and cost-effectively.

A professional restoration contractor understands the importance of utilizing eco-friendly methods while completing restoration projects. They can ensure that all safety protocols are followed and that natural resources are conserved.

Eco-friendly restoration projects can save businesses through utility costs and prevent delays due to environmental regulations. These benefits make eco-restoration projects a wise choice for any business wanting to stay ahead of the competition.

We have you covered if you want to complete an eco-friendly restoration project soon. J & E Restoration Pros offers water, mold restoration, and emergency plumbing services in Cumming, GA. If you’re having a critter problem, get in touch today!

Key Takeaways:

  • Clogged drains are one of the most common problems related to critters.
  • The presence of critters in your privy can pose a health hazard as they carry and spread germs, parasites, and diseases.
  • Having critters in your privy can also cause structural damage to the pipes and other plumbing components.
  • Different creatures appear based on the season – for example, mice tend to be more prevalent during the winter.
  • Professional plumbing services ensure that all the problems are inspected and fixed the first time appropriately.

Have you ever opened your bathroom door only to find insects lurking inside? It can be an unpleasant surprise and a cause of concern. After all, roaches & creepy crawlies don’t belong in the loo! So, how did they get there in the first place?

Before you determine that, it’s better to contact emergency plumbing services to ensure that your plumbing is inspected for further infestation and any other potential issues. To give you a better idea, let’s discuss some essential things.

Issues That Arise Due to Critters

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a common problem related to critters. This can lead to plumbing emergencies, slow drainage, and burst pipes. Different kinds of critters may also inhabit your bathroom during different seasons.

Smaller critters like mice or rats can get into small cracks in the walls, while larger animals like snakes might enter through broken pipes that are not adequately sealed.

Preventing critters from entering your plumbing system is essential to maintain a healthy environment and avoiding any emergency plumbing issues.

Health Issues

The presence of critters in your privy can pose a health hazard as these animals carry and spread germs, parasites, and diseases.

These diseases include the hantavirus, salmonellosis, and leptospirosis. Therefore, if you have critters in your privy, you must take action immediately to get rid of them before serious health problems can arise.

Other Issues

Having critters in the bathroom drains can also cause structural damage to the pipes and other plumbing components.

The animals may chew through wires, dig holes in pipes, and create blockages that can lead to water leaks and flooding.

How Do Critters Enter Your Plumbing System?

There are several ways critters like roaches & rodents can enter your plumbing system. The most common way is through cracks or gaps in pipes and fixtures.

Animals may also find their way into the privy if it doesn’t have a tight-fitting lid or has an improper seal around the drain. They may be attracted to the smell of food and other organic material dumped down the drains, so it’s essential to ensure that any waste is disposed of properly.

The Different Kinds of Critters to Worry About


A baby possum can easily fit through the smallest openings, including drains and pipes. Possums are scavengers and often enter plumbing systems in search of food.


Rats have dexterous front paws that allow them to gnaw through wood, plastic, and other materials. They can also squeeze their way through small crevices and access your privy. Rats are also attracted to waste food which can lead them into your plumbing system.


Birds’ strong beaks can peck away at gaps or small openings in your privy’s seal or lid, allowing them access inside the plumbing system. The bird may then build a nest near a water source, such as a drainpipe or sewer line, and lay eggs there.


Lizards are often found in small spaces and can easily squeeze through tiny gaps. They may even follow the scent of food or water into your plumbing system and make a home there.

Toads And Frogs

Toads and frogs may hop inside your privy to seek shelter or hunt for food if they find a large enough opening. They also lay eggs in damp places, so you could end up with an entire family of croaking critters living in your plumbing system!


Snakes, like lizards, are great at squeezing into tight spaces. Most snakes aren’t dangerous, but if you find one in your plumbing system, call emergency plumbing services immediately!

How To Keep Critters Out?

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent critters from entering your privy. One of the best ways is to ensure that all your plumbing pipes and openings are sealed tightly.

Give them a check every once in a while, or have emergency plumbing services inspect them for any signs of damage. You should also check for cracks, holes, or crevices around your home’s foundation that could let critters inside.

Finally, as part of regular plumbing maintenance, emergency services should inspect your system for any potential critter invasion. They can identify weak spots in your pipes and suggest ways to prevent entry or removal of unwanted guests.

How To Inspect Your Privy for Critters?

Inspecting the area is essential if you suspect critters have made their way into your privy. Look for signs of activity like droppings, chewed-up walls or flooring, and anything that looks out of place. It’s also important to check the exterior doors and windows for any evidence of creatures entering through these areas.

Additionally, ensure all pipes leading out from the privy are securely sealed and don’t contain holes or cracks big enough for critters to enter.

When inspecting your privy for critters, it’s also important to consider what time of year it is. Different creatures appear based on the season – for example, mice tend to be more prevalent during the winter. At the same time, insects, like ants and termites, are more active in the summer.

Are you looking for ways to prevent mold infestation in your home? Here’s some information that can help.


Why Hire Emergency Plumbing Services for Plumbing Maintenance?


Cost-effectiveness is one of the main benefits of plumbing services. Having critters in your privy can often cause extensive plumbing damage, so getting them removed quickly and professionally is essential.

This is especially true for larger critters, like snakes or raccoons, which can become stuck in the pipes and cause significant blockages and other plumbing maintenance issues.


Experience is another reason to hire emergency plumbing services. Professional emergency plumbers have the expertise and experience to diagnose and fix any critter-related plumbing issue quickly and efficiently. They also know how to safely trap, remove, and relocate critters from your privy without harming them or causing further damage.

Professional Advice

A professional emergency plumber can provide additional advice on preventing critters from getting into your privy in the first place.

This includes recommendations for sealing up cracks and crevices around windows, doors, pipes, vents, and other potential entry points that could allow critters access to your plumbing system.


When you hire emergency plumbing services, you may be able to get a warranty for your work. This provides peace of mind that any critter-related plumbing problems will be covered if they occur after the initial inspection and repair.

Critters can cause unpleasant issues with your plumbing system. It’s essential to take preventative measures and have your privy or other plumbing areas inspected regularly by an emergency plumber.

J & E Restoration Pros offers water and mold restoration and emergency plumbing services in Suwanee, GA. If you’re having a critter problem, get in touch today!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Designating a head for the water mitigation plan is essential to have clear communication and responsibility for documenting, repairing, and preventing water damage.
  2. Assessing risk factors, identifying detection procedures, and creating an emergency response plan are critical steps in establishing a comprehensive water mitigation strategy.
  3. Defining safety protocols and restoration procedures is essential to ensuring a successful outcome when addressing water damage.
  4. Hiring certified and licensed professional contractors should be done to restore any damaged property properly.
  5. The significance of water damage mitigation must be considered. Some benefits include reducing the risk of health hazards, lowering the cost of restoration, minimizing structural Damage to buildings, and providing peace of mind.

Accidents can happen anytime, especially plumbing related. And when that happens, water damage is just around the corner. Water damage is a common issue at properties. 29% of all insurance claims in the U.S. are accounted for water damage.

It is something that no commercial property owner wants to think about. Still, it’s an issue that does affect many. It can be a costly problem and depending on the source of the water damage, insurance coverage for it may not always come easy. So, it’s essential to mitigate the issues before it happens. And preparing a water mitigation plan is a great way to deal with it.

Planning can be crucial but don’t worry. With some knowledge, any company or individual can create an effective mitigation plan as the pros do! J & E Restoration Pros will walk through all the steps needed to build your strategy to mitigate any potential property problems due to water damage.

The 10 Steps for Creating a Water Damage Mitigation Plan

1. Designate Head for Water Mitigation Plan

In your business or home, it’s important to designate someone who will lead the mitigation plan. This person monitors potential water damage and informs everyone about the plan’s progress. Besides that, they will also take care of documentation, repairs, and preventive measures.

2. Assess the Risk Factors

Assessing the risk factors associated with water damage is essential for establishing a mitigation plan. It includes examining potential water sources entering your property, such as burst pipes, sewer backup, flooding, and other sources of moisture.

3. Identify Detection Procedures

Developing proper detection procedures for water damage is the next step in creating a water mitigation plan. It should involve installing sensors that detect moisture levels and alert you of potential issues. The key is defining the correct detection procedure members will use in a water emergency.

4. Ensure Communication with Other Members

All members of the water mitigation plan must be aware of their roles and responsibilities. They should also have clear and concise communication paths to call for help if needed. It will help streamline response to addressing water damage issues quickly and efficiently.

5. Create an Emergency Response Plan

Water damage can often occur at unexpected times. Having a well-defined emergency response plan for addressing water damage is essential. This plan should include steps for assessing the severity of the Damage, responding quickly and safely, determining when to call in professional help, and restoring the damaged space as soon as possible.

6. Define Safety Protocols

Safety protocols are critical when addressing water damage. It’s essential to take all necessary precautions to ensure everyone on site is safe. It includes wearing protective gear, using the right tools, following safety protocols and procedures, and abiding by local or state regulations when disposing of contaminated materials.

7. Procedures for Assessing Damage

This step involves surveying the area to determine the extent of the Damage. It includes checking for structural damage, evaluating walls, ceilings, and floors, and taking measurements to assess the amount of moisture in the affected space. It is essential to take pictures or videos of before, and after stages so there’s documented proof of what has been done.

8. Catalog Water Sensitive Equipment

If applicable, document any water-sensitive equipment, such as electronics and furniture, that must be moved or discarded. It includes shutting off power sources to avoid electric shock or further Damage.

9. Define Restoration Procedures

This step is essential to avoid any misunderstandings while restoring the property. It includes setting up the amount of time, cost, and quality of work expected from restoration contractors.


10. Hire Professional Restoration Contractors

The most effective way to restore a property is by hiring qualified restoration contractors to perform the task. Always hire certified and licensed professionals, and always request references before committing. Also, ask for photos or videos of before, and after stages, so there’s documented proof of what has been done.

Benefits of a Water Damage Mitigation Plan

Some might wonder why a water damage mitigation plan is so important. Let’s take a look at some of the main benefits you get when you have one in place:

Reduced Risk of Health Hazards

Mold and other contaminants are often found in flood-damaged properties, leading to serious health problems for people living or working inside the building. A mitigation plan can reduce the risk of these contaminants spreading and causing further damage to people’s health.

Lower Cost of Restoration

If a property suffers from water damage, the cost of repairs can be high — especially if left untreated for long periods. However, by implementing a mitigation plan, you can reduce the cost of repairs and minimize the Damage caused by flooding.

Reduced Damage to Building Structures

Flooding can cause severe structural Damage to buildings, leading to costly repairs. Having a mitigation plan in place can reduce the Damage caused and ensure that any potential issues are identified quickly and adequately addressed.

Peace of Mind

A water damage mitigation plan can provide peace of mind knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your property from potential flooding. It means that any time there is an issue with water, you will be able to address it swiftly and appropriately.

Related: Make The Best Decision With Water Mitigation Services


A comprehensive water mitigation plan will help ensure your home or business is safe from flooding and related damages. Taking the time to research and create a water damage mitigation plan is well worth it!

Hire Pros to Deal with Water Damage in Your Commercial Property in Duluth, GA

If you live in or around Duluth, GA, and are looking for professional water damage mitigation services, look no further than J & E Restoration Pros. We specialize in emergency plumbing repair, mold remediation, water restoration, and more. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll help you get started with the claim.

Key Takeaways:

  • Filing a storm damage claim can be a complicated and stressful process, but there are a few measures to take to go more smoothly.
  • The most important part is to document the damage as soon as possible. Record evidence with the help of photos or videos of the damage and date them.
  • It’s also important to keep track of any repair or replacement costs to provide these details to your insurance company.
  • J & E Restoration Pros offers construction and restoration services to customers in Gainesville, FL, and the surrounding areas.

A severe storm can extensively damage your home. If you are not prepared, the aftermath can be costly and time-consuming. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and flash flooding can devastate entire communities in minutes. If you’re affected by a natural disaster, knowing what to do is essential to ensure you get the help you need.

J & E Restoration Pros will discuss some critical mistakes that can cost you your storm damage claim. By avoiding these mistakes, you can expedite the process and get back to your life faster!

Critical Mistakes That Can Cost You a Storm Damage Claim

1. Not Filing a Claim within the Statute of Limitations

One of the most crucial mistakes that can cost you your storm damage claim is not filing the claim within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the timeframe in which you file a claim. If you file your claim within this timeframe, you will likely be allowed to do so.

2. Not Documenting the Damage

Another critical mistake is not documenting the damage to your property correctly. It is essential to take pictures or videos of the damage as soon as possible after the storm so that you have evidence of the damage. Without this evidence, it will be difficult to prove that the storm caused the damage.

3. Not Keeping Track of Expenses Related to the Damage

Another mistake that can cost you your storm damage claim is not keeping track of expenses related to the damage. It includes receipts for repairs, hotel stays, and other out-of-pocket costs you have incurred due to the damage. These records are necessary to prove that these expenses were incurred because of the storm damage.

4. Making Permanent Repairs Before Filing a Claim

Resist the temptation to make permanent repairs before filing your insurance claim. Your insurance adjuster will need to inspect the damage before repairs are made, and making repairs beforehand could impact the amount of money you receive from your claim. If you must make repairs to prevent further damage, save all receipts and documentation to be reimbursed later.

5. Not Speaking with an Attorney

If you have suffered storm damage, you must speak with an experienced attorney to help you with the claims process and avoid making critical mistakes that could cost you your claim.

6. Not Knowing Your Policy Limits

Another common mistake is not knowing your policy limits. Your policy limit is the maximum value your insurance company will pay for storm damage.

7. Accepting an Initial Settlement Offer

Many homeowners mistakenly accept an initial settlement offer from their insurance company without negotiating for more money. If you are unsatisfied with the initial offer, negotiate with your adjuster for a higher amount.

8. Failing to Get Multiple Estimates

Homeowners should also get multiple estimates for repairs before accepting any settlement offer from their insurance company. It will ensure that you are getting a fair amount for the repairs that need to be made. It is also essential to get estimates from licensed and reputable restoration contractors to avoid being taken advantage of.

9. Not Hiring a Public Adjuster

A public adjuster represents homeowners during the claims process. Many homeowners mistakenly believe they can handle the claims process independently, but this often leads to their insurance companies taking advantage of them. A public adjuster will get you the maximum settlement possible for your claim.

10. Not Using a Licensed Restoration Contractor

Another mistake that homeowners often make is not using a licensed restoration contractor for the repairs. A licensed contractor will ensure the repairs are done correctly and promptly.

Related: The worst home insurance claim mistakes made by homeowners.


Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes in Filing Storm Damage Claim

1. Don’t Wait Too Long to Claim Damages

It’s important to remember that most insurance policies have a time limit for filing claims, so it’s essential to act quickly. If you wait too long, your claim may get denied.

2. Don’t Underestimate the Damage

It’s essential to be as accurate as possible when estimating the cost of repairs. If you underestimate it, you may find that your insurance company will only cover part of the cost of repairs.

3. Don’t Forget About Secondary Damage

When filing a storm damage insurance claim, it’s important to remember that there may be secondary damage that needs to be addressed. For example, if your roof was damaged in a storm, there may be water damage to your ceilings or walls. Be sure to include all damages in your estimate so that you can get the total amount of coverage you deserve.

Also, read our blog on avoiding a disaster to prevent mold after water damage.

4. Don’t Overlook Your Deductible

When filing a claim, be sure to factor in your deductible. It is the amount of money that you will be responsible for paying out-of-pocket before your insurance company starts covering the costs. Include this in your estimate, so you only owe what was expected.

5. Don’t Forget About Additional Living Costs

If the storm damage makes your home uninhabitable, you may be able to receive coverage for additional living expenses. These expenses include hotel bills, meals, and transportation costs. Keep all receipts and documentation to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

6. Don’t Try to Do It All Yourself

Trying to handle everything on your own can be a mistake when filing a storm damage insurance claim. The process can be complex and confusing, so it’s essential to have someone on your side who knows what they’re doing. An experienced public adjuster can help you navigate the claims process and ensure that you get the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.

7. Don’t Accept the First Offer from the Insurance Company

Once you’ve filed your claim, the insurance company will send an adjuster to assess the damages. After doing so, they will offer you an initial settlement offer. It’s important not to accept this offer without consulting with a public adjuster or attorney who can help you negotiate a fair settlement.

Need a Restoration Contractor in Gainesville, FL?

J & E Restoration Pros is a locally owned and operated disaster and damage restoration company that has been around for over 30 years. Our team of experts is well-trained to handle any emergency, from storms and floods to plumbing emergencies. If you need help filing an insurance claim in Gainesville, FL, our team can help! We will help you file insurance claims and handle all the paperwork to get the maximum reimbursement.

Start a new claim!